



The employee initiates promotions to a higher rank by submitting an application for promotion that will be reviewed by the 直接主管, the Professional Staff Promotion Committee, the appropriate assistant vice president or assistant provost, 副总统和总统. 关于专业人员请求的最后行动 staff promotions resides with for the 校董会. 一般资格 promotion of professional staff follow the performance evaluation criteria as outlined 在专业人员评估表格中:

The basis of promotion of professional staff members is not solely on seniority, but 还包括通过工作表现获得资格. 资历仅仅决定了一个 professional staff member’s eligibility for consideration for promotion. 为了 to receive a promotion to a higher rank, eligible professional staff members must document their job performance according to the criteria outlined below. 的工资 专业工作人员晋升后增加$600.从级别升级00美元 一级到二级,700美元.从二级升级到三级00美元,以及800美元.00元晋升 从三级到四级.

Professional staff members eligible for promotion are encouraged to attend the informational meeting held before October 1 each year by the 专业人员晋升 Committee. Professional staff members submit promotion applications are submitted to this committee, which is responsible for making promotion recommendations for all professional staff 受聘于该机构. Vice Presidents, however, have the prerogative for convening “地区”委员会协助推广工作.

After the 专业人员晋升 Committee reviews the application, a recommendation for or against promotion is then given to the staff member’s Assistant Vice President/Assistant Provost (or designee of the Vice President from Financial or Presidential Services). If the committee’s recommendation is negative, no further action is taken unless the 申请人上诉. If the committee’s recommendation is positive, the Assistant Vice President/Assistant Provost/designee then reviews the application and makes his or 她自己的建议. This process repeats through the upper administration levels until eventually the President is able to recommend applicants for promotion to the 校董会.

为了 to be eligible for promotion consideration, a member of the professional staff must satisfy the seniority requirements as prescribed below:
1. 从一级晋升的要求:
       A. To apply for a Level II professional staff rank, the professional staff member must serve a minimum of three years before making application for promotion.
       B. An immediate promotion to Level II follows the professional staff member 获得硕士学位.
2. Requirements for promotion from Level II: A Level II professional staff member must serve a minimum of five years to be eligible for promotion to Level III.
3. Requirements for promotion from Level III: A Level III professional staff member must serve a minimum of five years to be eligible for promotion to Level IV.

For promotion, the professional staff member must meet the eligibility requirements listed above and in addition show evidence that he/she:
1. Understands the comprehensive community college 哲学;
2. Demonstrates outstanding employee competence in an area vital to the department/area’s 函数;
3. Provides significant service to his/her department or area;
4. Participates in professional growth and development activities appropriate to the 部门的使命和目标;
5. Possesses the potential to further the goals of the program, department, College, 地区和大学;
6. Satisfy all requirements of the position according to the job description; and
7. Verify through the supervisor or Human 资源 Department eligibility for promotion.

Professional staff seeking promotion will submit the promotion packet to the chair 专业人员晋升委员会主席. 促销包总数应为no more than fifteen (15) pages (including all the documentation listed below), and must 包括:
1. 封面(在本节后面找到)
2. 申请信
3. 直接主管信函
4. 准则文件
     A. Revised Position/Job Description: Should be prepared in conjunction with the 直接主管.
     B. Credentials: Limit documentation to activities since last promotion.
     C. Philosophy: Submit a brief written statement explaining your professional 哲学 and how it supports Vincennes University’s comprehensive community college 哲学.
     D. Effectiveness/Expertise in Profession: Provide evidence of effectiveness or 在你的工作领域的专业知识. 文件的例子可以包括年度 evaluations, recognition of colleagues locally, regionally               and/or nationally, and significant examples of contributions to the growth of your program, department 或服务或文森斯大学.
     E. Professional Services: Provide evidence of personal contributions to your 超出你工作要求的项目. 此外,展示你的 professional 哲学 enhances the goals and objectives            of your program.
     F. Community Involvement: Document your non-job related community involvement. 
     G. Professional Growth: Provide documentation of activities in local, regional and/or national organizations plus involvement in workshops, seminars, presentations, 和/或教育.
     H. Special Projects: Provide examples of additional responsibilities and service 以前没有在你的工作描述中提到过.

For more information on Promotions, please see the University Manual.







专业人员晋升会议- 2020年11月17日

专业人员晋升q & A 2021

专业人员晋升q & A 2022

专业人员晋升q & A 2023